Autumn and winter foods that provide us with the nutrients for a healthy diet

When the low temperatures arrive, we tend to vary our habits and adapt one’s diet to new bodily needs in order to maintain a healthy balance. We look for ways to obtain energy to maintain a balanced temperature. We also have to avoid foods that do not provide the necessary nutrients that our bodies need, such as sweets, flours and other foods that will only make us gain weight.

It is important to provide our bodies with foods rich in fiber (to reduce saturated fat), protein, grains, and foods rich in selenium, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, among others. Some foods that can provide us with these nutrients are found in fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, and nuts. These help us to boost our immune system and activate defenses against flu and diseases typical of these seasons of the year. Therefore, it is essential to accept the importance of keeping an appropriate diet that is suited to the climate and to listen to our bodies.

We will list some of the foods that will help us achieve our goals.


Chard, Cruciferae (cabbage, broccoli), spinach, pumpkin, artichokes, mushrooms, peas, beans, leeks, beets, radish, lettuce, and onion, among others. These foods help us to fight respiratory ailments and colds, among others. They are also foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli.

Soups and broths

We can make them with various ingredients, such as carrots, pumpkin, leeks, or a combination of other vegetables. They can be a meal on their own, or complemented with chopped vegetables, seeds, eggs, and chicken pieces to become more nutritious.

Dried fruits

High calcium content nuts such as hazelnuts, chestnuts, and almonds. Foods that provide us with B vitamins help to reduce the sensation of cold due to their caloric content.

Potatoes, pasta, and rice

Carbohydrates are also important to help keep a healthy diet. It is preferable not to consume them in large quantities, and to combine them with vegetables and protein intake.


Fruits give us a lot of vitamins. At this time of year, we have oranges and mandarins, rich in vitamin c and antioxidants. They are ideal for preventing colds. Other examples are kiwi, grapefruit, apple, and pear.


Red sea bream and cod, typical winter fish that can be cooked in a variety of ways. They are a rich source of protein.


They provide energy and help to control weight. One can combine them in a thousand ways (in stews, with vegetables, others)

Meat and eggs:

They provide us with the proteins we need all year round.  Meats such as chicken, veal, and pork can be eaten in stews, with vegetables, and added to salads, among other combinations. One should also include eggs, which are a rich source of protein.

Exquisitarium provides you with numerous recipes that contain many of the ingredients mentioned above, making it easier for professionals to incorporate these foods into their clients’ daily menus.