Exquisitarium company committed to the environment



Reduce: If we start by using less, we’ll have less to discard. When we generate less waste, we protect the environment

Reuse: We must buy reusable products, and we must eliminate the use of single-use products such as paper plates.

Recycle: We need to recycle everything. It’s important to know what resources we have to recycle in our community.

Refuse: We must refuse to use products that can’t been recycled. We need to clearly get this message across to the companies that produce these products.

Respond: We need to talk to companies and legislators, and express our opinion about the effects of certain products on the environment

These are five ways to help improve the environment and take care of the planet.

Exquisitarium company committed to the environment.

Taking care of the environment should be one of the main challenges we set ourselves, and Exquisitarium is a company committed to this goal. We have dedicated a lot of effort into incorporating the most ecological systems to exert a lower environmental impact on our planet. Our goals are to try and stop the negative impact that traditional energies have on the environment, by using cleaner ecological systems and fighting to achieve environmental protection goals.

Exquisitarium is a pioneering company in our sector and serves as a guide and example for many others.

How does Exquisitarium work with the environment?

– We generate more than 25% of our company’s energy by self-consumption, through an efficient, latest generation photovoltaic panel system.
– We have a water heating circulation system that uses 90% of heat generated by motors within our own facilities
– Reduction of disposable material in all the company’s departments.
– Recycling: One of the simplest and easiest activities in which all the company’s personnel participate. Our goal is to massively reduce the amount of waste we create,  while at the same time correctly recycling the waste we do make.

Our commitment is, before taking any action, to continue studying all the damages that these can bring to the environment and reduce them as much as possible. They are the bases that will help us maintain our respect for our beloved planet and will also aid us in becoming more efficient. In the medium to long term these action plans will help generate profit, creating an example for new generations.