Chili con carne with rice and padron peppers

Code: 27292 (chili con carne)
Code: 18739 (padrón peppers)

– Chili con carne Exquisitarium
– Rice
– Eggs
– Padrón peppersExquisitarium
– Cheddar Sauce

Cook the rice, drain it without washing it, and let it cool down, so that the starch works as a binder, put it in a mold and shape it into a hamburger, which we brown in the oven for 5 minutes in a non-stick pan coated with little oil.
We cook a fried egg in a frying pan, inside a mold that we have smeared with a little oil so that it does not stick.
We plate the rice, we put the chili con carne (which, without defrosting, we have perforated the superior part of the container by several points and we have heated in the microwave for 8 minutes to 800W) on top, we put the egg, we complete the recipe with padrón peppers that we have previously heated in the microwave during 1 minute.
Once all the ingredients are ready, we finish the recipe with some cheddar sauce

Cheddar Sauce:
– 200g  of cheddar
– 100g de leche
– 1 tablespoon cornstarch
– 1 a knob of butter
-1 Tablespoon cream cheese

Heat the milk with the butter, once it is hot add the cheddar cheese and stir until it is diluted. Add a little more milk with cornstarch, let it boil to get a thicker texture, and finish with the cream cheese.