New channel on Youtube Exquisitarium

We expand our informative offer with a new channel on YouTube.

We have been working for some time with the idea of ​​giving more visibility to our work from a more technological point of view, more virtual but at the same time closer and easier to reach.

That is why we have decided to expand our offer with a more professional channel.

  • What we can find in it?

Our aim is to create useful content for our professionals, from the Distributor and his sales network, giving them material and tools to make their sales more comfortable and simple, but also for a Chef who will be able to see the most optimal regeneration of each product or family of products .

On the other hand, we also want this YouTube channel to serve as a window into our home. That is why we have inaugurated the channel with a video presentation of our facilities and our team, vital for all our gear to work properly.

We believe in transparency and the most natural work, that’s why we also wanted to share with you a video of our Executive Chef, Manel Regada where he expresses the most essential objective of Exquisitarium as well as our philosophy of work that we try every day to reflect in our dishes. 

In short, we present a new tool that we will continue to work with to make it useful and easy for everyone.