is a business event organized by PRODECA and ACCIÓ that brings FINE FOOD producers and exporters together with importers and distributors from third countries.

Their main purpose is to create connections that can meet the needs of both exporters and distributors/importers in order to generate business.

Some of the countries invited to attend the event include Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, India, Japan, Russia, Singapore and China.


This event was held last July and Exquisitarium did not want to miss out. This platform allows us to establish our first direct, face-to-face contact face with importers and gives us the chance to tell them about all the products we have to offer. We believe that an ideal format requires direct contact, which allows the ties between the exporter and the importer to be strengthened and also enables them to personalize and visualize not only the product, but also the team that is behind it.

Exquisitarium successfully attended last year and opened a new market, which is why we attended the FINE FOOD BUSINESS FORUM once again this year. We were not disappointed as we were able to make numerous contacts and open new markets in both Asia and the Middle East.