Pulled chicken with sriracha sauce, carrot spaghetti and mint oil

Reference: 26712  Pulled Chicken


  • Pulled Chicken
  •  Sriracha sauce
  • Carrots
  • Mint Oil.


Without the need to defrost previously, pierce the top of the container at different points. Microwave at maximum power (800 W) for 5 minutes until the base is very hot.

Cut the carrots into strips like spaghetti, blanch and cook them and reserve them to finish the dish.

We prepare the dish with a little sriracha sauce as a base, then with a mold we place the pulled chicken on top.

To decorate, we will place the carrot spaghetti on top of the pulled chicken and a little sriracha sauce. We will put a little oil around the plate

A protein and light dish that we hope you like.